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Singapore Aquatics Statement of Anti-Doping Policy


The Singapore Swimming Association has on 7 June 2022 signed the Collective Policy thereby agreeing to at all times:

  1. Recognise and accept the Anti-Doping Singapore (ADS) as the National Anti-Doping Organisation designated by the Singapore Government as having the responsibility for all doping matters relating to sport in Singapore;
  2. Accept the Anti-Doping Policy of Singapore and the ADS Anti-Doping Rules, both of which are established in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code, as the basis for the fight against doping in sport;
  3. Adopt the Anti-Doping of Singapore and the ADS Anti-Doping Rules either directly or by reference into our governing documents, constitution and/or rules and regulations, and which shall have binding force and effect on our members and Participants; and
  4. Agree to observe, abide by and implement the provisions of the Anti-Doping Policy of Singapore and the ADS Anti-Doping Rules in respect of our affairs and activities.

The Singapore Swimming Association condemns the use of doping in sport. It recognises the right of all its Athletes to participate in a sport that is free from the misuse of drugs. The Singapore Swimming Association is committed to educate, inform and test, as appropriate, participants competing in swimming, water polo, diving, artistic swimming and open water swimming in Singapore, and representing Singapore, so that it remains a drug-free sport.

It is a requirement of participation in the sport that all its Athletes, Athlete support personnel and other persons under the jurisdiction of the Singapore Swimming Association comply with the Anti-Doping Policy of Singapore and the ADS Anti-Doping Rules set out and published by the Singapore Swimming Association and ADS.

In testing its Athletes, the Singapore Swimming Association is committed to handling the management of results in a confidential and accountable manner and to carry out disciplinary procedures where appropriate by the fair and independent process it has agreed with its members and with ADS, its appointed National Anti-Doping Organisation, for the collection of doping control samples. The disciplinary procedure for a contravention of these rules is published in full in the ADS Anti-Doping Rules.


The Executive Committee / Management Committee of the Singapore Swimming Association has on 7 June 2022 adopted the ADS Anti-Doping Rules as the Singapore Swimming Association’s Anti-Doping Rules.

The ADS Anti-Doping Rules published by Anti-Doping Singapore (or its successor), as amended from time to time, shall take immediate effect and be construed as rules of the Singapore Swimming Association.


All affiliates, members, athletes, participants, staff and any other individual, paid or on a volunteer basis, who are under the jurisdiction of the Singapore Swimming Association are bound by the Anti-Doping Rules of the Singapore Swimming Association and agree to abide by these Anti-Doping Rules.


Doping Control rules are in place for all active athletes, registered under the Singapore Aquatics (SAQ), as we advocate a tough stance against the use of drugs in sport.

All competing athletes at major competitions may be subjected to anti-doping testing, regardless of your position in a race. Athletes may be tested anywhere – at home, during training or at competition venues, by accredited Doping Control Officers (DCOs) from Anti-Doping Singapore (ADS).

Doping Control rules can be confusing for athletes, coaches and parents, and it is critical that any questions/concerns be clarified. Hence, the information presented here is to help simplify and clarify any concerns you might have about doping control.

At all times, athletes must check the status and be mindful of all medication taken/used in the course of their active time in the sport. Do remember to declare any medication that you have taken (up to 2 weeks prior), in the medication section of any Doping Control Form that you fill in when you have been identified to provide a sample.

Also, for ADS to track athletes easily, all athletes must fill in their whereabouts in the Anti-Doping Administration & Management System (ADAMS). Athletes in the Registered Testing Pool (RTP) may incur anti-doping violations and subsequent sanctions, if they do not provide accurate and updated whereabouts information.  You can login to ADAMS at ADAMS Log-in .

Whereabout failures

It is the responsibility of athletes in the RTP to ensure that their whereabouts information is kept updated and accurate at all times.

Missed Tests

If an athlete is unavailable for testing when an Anti-Doping Organisation attempts to test them during the specific 60-minute slot as provided by the athlete, then a Missed Test may be recorded.

Filing Failures

If an athlete fails to provide and update the required Whereabouts information, then a Filing Failure may be recorded. Any combination of three Missed Test(s) and/ or Filing Failure(s) within a 12-month period will constitute an Anti-Doping Rule Violation. The period of sanction is between one to two years, depending on the athlete’s degree of fault.

Retirement and Reinstatement

Athletes in the RTP or DTP who intend to retire from active competition must inform ADS officially using the ADS Athlete Retirement Notification Form.

Athletes, who had previously retired whilst in the RTP or DTP and intends to return to active competition, must provide official notification to ADS and their NSA at least 6 months before returning to competition.

More information can be found at:


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Check Drugs

CheckDrugs provides athletes and support personnel with information about the prohibited status of specific substances based on the current World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List.

Click here to go to the Check Drugs page!